Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ruthie – my Mummy – Pharaoh – Ruthless... by Bunny

Living at Villa and Villa Point 

Ruth and Max, Roger, Lynn, Michael and I lived next door to the Aquatic Club.

Ruth holding Michael; Roger, Bunny and Lynn
Max was a pilot and the airplane hangar was there as it was a seaplane - the Grumman Goose.  I swam each evening off the jetty in time for Max's arrival so I could swim out and get a ride in.

Young Island was also close enough to swim to, except there were tons of sea eggs, which far too often I would be victim to those sharp spines.  It would take burning a candle and covering them with candle wax to get them out.

The Aquatic Club was a great meeting spot and ever so many people loved to visit with Ruthie.

When we moved to Villa Point near to the Sardines it was Ruthie, Roger and me.
view from Villa Point - Indian Bay Beach, Dove Island, Long Island, Young Island, Fort Duvernette
Ruthie had such varied interests.  She had a beautiful flower garden and every Monday morning I took a beautiful bouquet of flowers to school which the nuns certainly appreciated.  She read and learned and got it done (her way).

We always had animals – rabbits, dogs, goats - one that butt the china cabinet thinking there was another goat there – it was billy goat's reflection.

She loved Carnival and would encourage the teenagers to play mass and then end up making many of the costumes.  There would be a big dance at the Aquatic club and she would make herself a costume to attend.

Bunny as Victorian lady
With Aunty Shirley's very able assistance they would every year have a big birthday party for me – making everything – and the cake it was a work of art.  So beautiful – but time consuming and it must have been very tiring for her.  She did these things without the convenient appliances we have today.

When Ruth and Chrissy got married and John "Cool" was born we moved to Twenty Hill.  A most beautiful spot on the leeward side of the Island. Even today I still maintain it is the most beautiful place I have ever known.  More on Twenty Hill to come in the next post.

one of the views from Twenty Hill

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