Saturday, February 24, 2024

400 years in the Caribbean ~ where can our stories be found?

Howdy Everyone,

Once again, it's been a long, long time since I posted.  But I have something to share that prompted me to action!  It's a call for family stories for which I have great hopes. 

Beej's daughter, Amanda Kelley-Goodhew, and her husband have been spending time in the homeland.  Roz's daughters Anne-Marie Wilkinson Bourne and Betty Wilkinson Cathrow and their husbands visited from Barbados to celebrate Betty and Amanda's birthdays.  It feels great to think of our younger peeps being drawn back to the Valley and to each other.  

The Wilkinson girls stayed at Rachael's enchanting Spirit of the Valley (check out this cool blog post 

Below is a photo of a gathering there, thoughtfully shared by Rachael.

But first, here is Amanda's wonderful proposal/invitation for us to start recording the social history of our family through personal stories and memories.  Let's do it, please.  Let our family not become 'erased without trace'.

One Love,  Lisbie x

Hello Family! My mother, Betty Jane Punnett, suggested years ago that we start writing down our stories. Whether they were stories about places, or people, or ourselves, didn't matter. She just wanted to hear from us. I have many stories - about my grandfather and visiting St. Vincent when I was younger - and yet, I don't think I sent anything. And I'm a writer! So, it's no surprise that she didn't get much response from others either.

I am writing this from St. Vincent, where my husband and I are spending 3 months. Our intention is to do this every year for the foreseeable future. Being here, seeing family and places that I haven't seen in years, has me hoping to resurrect my mothers project. Only, this time, I'm not asking you to do any writing!

For anyone who is interested, I would like to set up online meetings where we just chat. If you have a specific story that you want to share, we can talk about that. If you want to talk about your life, or you have more than one story that you want to share, we can do more than one meeting. This is a very flexible project. The only thing I want is to record the meetings, so that others can see them as well. 

My first meeting was with my mother and we did half an hour where she talked about her grandmothers and the Hope house. It was so much fun.

I don't know exactly what I'll do with the recordings, but one step at a time. If you are interested, email me at and we can talk about availability and your thoughts.

Thank you in advance for your help.


as best as I can tell, and subject to correction...
Paul Bourne,  Beej's friend, Sherice (fiancĂ©e of James Punnett), Andrew Cathrow, Kristofer Abbott, Michelle, Sophie, Tipi, Paddy, Michelle's partner Lee, Kate  & daughter Naia, Lynden, Anne-Marie Bourne, Alexandra, Betty Cathrow, James, Rachael, Amanda & husband, Don, Beej, Brenda